Commenting Guidelines

Rating the comments from the most least helpful to helpful!

  1. Number 1 is not helpful because it uses a lot of slang words  and not all people would understand what she is trying to say.
  2.  Number 2 is not the best because it is a bit random but it has no spelling errors and is easy to understand.
  3. Number 3 is also helpful because it is easy to understand and has no spelling errors.
  4. Number 4 is not very good because it has a lot of spelling errors and id hard to understand and does not say who it is to.
  5.  Number 5 is really good because it has no spelling errors and no slang.
  6. Number 6 is not helpful because it is rude and has slang.
  7. Number 7 is not helpful because it does not say who it is from and who it is to.
  8. Number 8 is not the best because it can be rude but it has no slang and no spelling  errors.

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